The American Dream, Or An American Dream?

obamaQuite a different sort of blog:

Although to many, there might be no difference at all to writing “the american dream” and writing “an american dream”, but in all actuality, there is quite a substantial degree of difference between the two. The American Dream: What all Americans believe that they strive for in life. It is symbolic of a lifestyle, a trend, a way of life. A situation, really, and no more than that. Just what American’s deem successful and fulfilling in our society. To some, we reach it, and to some, it’s exactly that and nothing else, a symbol. Be it, even in times, symbolic of pride… But to me, it’s similar to what God is to some people (religious nuts can stop reading at this point as they might find my views highly offensive). It, of in God’s case, He, is something that we aren’t sure where exactly He or it is, or where He or it was, or if He or it exists. We do however know that we trust and rely on whatever strong hold He or it may have upon us. He is unattainable. Some might feel him “inside” or be “one with God”, some even claim that He has come to them… Why would He come to see just one random person at some random time? Wouldn’t he save his “reentrance” for some grand occasion? He physically is not there, not here, not anywhere where we can go see him or talk to him face to face or when so much as write him a letter. He has less of an address than Santa Clause does. And to me, personally, the American Dream is the exact same thing. Unattainable. We might feel we have it, but really, there is no physical form of it anywhere; it’s all in what we believe we seem to see or have. Now, AN American Dream is far different, and this is why; it is individualism at its finest. It is what we realistically have when we have found true happiness. It is when we can feel proud and true and alive; when we are sure that in our hearts we are fulfilled. And we can touch it, because it is not just a dream, and it surely isn’t just a symbol, but it is a personal satisfaction that can come in the smallest of ways. So be it, may this be your God and how your God works. I’d rather believe that God touched me in some slightest of way, without me ever feeling the need to see his presence. I’m not so materialistic as to need a story for how or why or to brag that it was all because of Him. No, not at all. And I am far from saying that his existence isn’t a reality, because based on historical records, there is a lot of truth to what people believe. I’m more or less saying that I would prefer to find the smallest, happiest, most touching moments of life, and enjoy them, and make my dream daily, not something all my days on earth lead up to. I don’t want to work all my life for a status symbol, but rather for my american dream. My place of pure bliss. My happiness. My covenant with God, shall I choose to believe that I shall one day have one. You see, my God isn’t too proud to beg of me all your God is begging for. He doesn’t not ask me to set aside every Sunday afternoon of my life to bow down to him. He is not a dictatorship. He is a home. He is a place of refuge. He is what a love is suppose to be, not a fashion statement of bias hypocrites. “God” smiles when we smile. He finds joy in our passion, and merely asks that we recognize the moments in life that are his greatest gift to us. He granted us the opportunity to love and be loved, or so I’ve been told. So why not appreciate that? Why are we too obsessed with the lures of materialism to miss what we have most available, and not only that, but free. It takes no money to love. It has no strings attached. It is Him living inside us all. Dare we miss it?

My American Dream is thus:  The most important thing to me in life is not to be the person everyone wishes they could be, but to be myself, with my husband whom I dearly love, and to have children I can care for all of my days. I wish to work at the things that I love and make me most happiest. My dream is to press past all the worries and concerns in my life, and reflect on what is to come, because I trust that that day will come, even if it is when I least expect it. Vera Bradley didn’t create a line of decorative planners for me to jot down when to figure out life in between meetings and work schedules. She meant for it to be there to view my life as a whole experience, take it as I need to, and look back on all that I have accomplished. My dream, as comparatively non-materialistic as it might be, is to love, and be loved, as I once was taught in bible school. That is all we really need in life. Love.

Moral: Live for today, not next week. Breathe. Take life in strides, and make the most of it. Forget about the Jones, whoever they may be (obviously so important we really aren’t quite sure of this fact). Be yourself; that’s all anyone ever asks. Never forget about the simple things in life… That’s an American Dream. Live it.

1 Comment»

  larry timbs wrote @

Quite a dreamy post, Ellen. Thanks for blogging about this and giving me something to think about.

Will mark your blog and visit it from time to time.

Good luck this summer!

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